To the Superintendent of Schools,
My name is Craig Bell and I am writing to inquire about the available position of High School Athletic Director. I am interested in returning to this position in part because I have previously found success in this role. I would be a strong candidate for the job having exceeded prior expectations of a similarly described position at a Nursery-Grade 12 international school. The requirements of the job describe an individual who is strongly self-motivated and possesses exceptional levels of organization. I have shown through my prior and current jobs to exhibit both of these desired qualities and will continue to show them in your advertised position of Athletic Director. As a leader of an athletic department, it is essential to pursue a positive environment that surrounds all sports and activity programs. The motivation to achieve a healthy, functioning department is directly driven from the intrinsic motivation of an Athletic Director. I hold this to be a determining factor for evaluating success and failure in most athletic departments. Motivation, however, is empty without strong foundation of organization and leadership.
Throughout my experiences as an athlete, coach, and educator, I have discovered my leadership skills to be a mainstay in each arena. I have been fortunate to coach a variety of sports in a broad range of ages and have benefited greatly from my ability to lead teams. As an Athletic Director, I would take on the role of leading athletes, parents, teachers, and community members in the support and success of the athletic department. It is vital to garner the support of all participating parties and my leadership will help to increase this support. I was able to create a wealth of support in my previous Athletic Director position through community communication and promotion of our programs. Parents and teachers have to be shown their worth in a program for it to be successful. I created volunteer positions throughout the department for increased responsibilities to be held by motivated supporters. As support grows for any program, the importance of planning becomes paramount to maintain progress and consistency.
In order to achieve high expectations for any athletic program, planning must be consistent and efficient. The quality of athletics in surrounding schools from prior and current positions forces any Athletic Director to plan in advance and plan concisely. I am a determined individual who will not settle for less than optimal when determining logistics for training, matches, transportation, awards banquets, and tournaments. I will provide perspective in future planning and am aware of the positive impact planning can play in athletic achievement. I have helped coaches improve training plans along with athletes create effective nutritional planning. Constant review of planning procedures and an openness to evolve will be a central strength in my athletic department.
I seek the desired position of Athletic Director because I am qualified to fulfill the role through leadership and positive growth. The community will benefit from my knowledge of the specific duties required and will see my desire to create an inclusive program that promotes community involvement and feedback. I hope my candidacy is considered as I am confident I would make a positive addition to an already impressive athletic program. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Craig Bell